Web Development

Here you will find different web development projects I have been involved in. Some are team based and others are my own work.

Garden Shed https://onlinegardenshed.netlify.app

Tech Stack: MongoDB, EpressJS, ReactJS NodeJS, AWS S3 Bucket

School Assignment

Online Garden Shed is a way for users to create plant records. It features the the ability to add plant records with image uploads through plant logs. The ability to follow specific plants or other garden shed users.

Get The Edge Dashboard http://get-the-edge.herokuapp.com

Tech Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, HandlebarsJS, Bootstrap

School Assignment

Get The Edge lets you know what skills are currently most in demand. This was an entry into our second hackathon, and it won us 3rd place. It features the ability to enter your own key words/skills and search hundreds of job listings, then displaying the result in a graph.

Cartoon bee Flying https://buzzing-bee.netlify.app

Tech Stack: JavaScript, NodeJS

School Assignment

Buzzy Bee is a simple browser game inspired by flappy bird. Essentially it's a copy of the game. The game features parallax scrolling, some particle FX and a score for the collisions detection. All done in the browser using the canvas API.

Glowing Moth Marketplace http://glowingmoth-marketplace.herokuapp.com

Tech Stack: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, AWS S3 Bucket, Devise

School Assignment

Glowing Moth Marketplace was created as an experiment to try and create the basic stucture of the unity asset store. It features the ability to upload images and files, and allows for purchases of the file (3d assets along with any associated images).

Alphabet For Kids

Link to the Github Repository

Tech Stack: Ruby

School Assignment

Alphabet for Kids from term 1 of my coding bootcamp we had to build a terminal application. I was inspired to make something for young children as I have two of my own. It features the ability to press a letter key and display ASCII art for the images.

Tech Stack:

Coming Soon.